Thursday, April 23, 2009

"There's No Place Like Home..."

Yes, Toto I am home! I arrived back in North Carolina this past Monday and have been busy since I landed. I work part time and have spent the week playing catch up at work and my yard needed mowing and clothes needed to be washed and I had to unpack and put stuff away and I still haven't made it to the grocery store! What's a girl to do? I have been tired but not able to sleep and just have that plain "I don't want to do nothing" feeling. And in my case I don't do nothing. So now I am so far behind in the little stuff that the big stuff will begin to get behind. I think I'll probably be behind when I die. Anyone else out there feel that way?

Anyway, I need to leave the Emerald City and get back to Kansas. Hang in there Toto we are only a wish away!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Flower Power

Today I went to The Flower Fields of Carlsbad Ranch ( and it was amazing. I have never seen such rows of flowers in my life. There was a rose garden as well as a poinsettia house. There is no way to put the 72 pictures I took on this blog. The colors were just breath taking and the fragrance was heavenly. The fields are Ranunculus, butter cup family, and I purchase a bunch of red ones as a reminder of today plus a package of yellow bulbs and purple bulbs to plant in my own garden once I get home. They also have a nursery and the flowers and plants are huge and at a great price. They have some wonderful yard art, bird feeders, seeds and bulbs. It was just the best way to spend the afternoon. The only thing is it began to drizzle rain and the wind picked up which made it cold. I would like to go back when it is sunny and warm. This was great eye candy provided by my MAKER! Grow where you are planted........

Friday, April 10, 2009

"It Never Rains in Southern California..."

Once again I am in California to dog sit my son and daughter in love's dog Zeus. I have been here since April 6 and they left for Greece on April 8. My son Nick is currently in Ireland and will not be home until probably May 5. Something is very wrong with this picture. Why am I not out of the country enjoying myself? I must reconsider this question and step out of my comfort zone and try to go somewhere new and exciting. I am having a great time here and have plenty of time alone with the Lord and look forward to the days ahead. I am beginning a new Bible study called "Stepping Up" by Beth Moore. Plus having quiet time to pray and reflect. I am looking forward to Easter and going to church out here. I hope and pray everyone has a great Easter and that the Lord will bless each of your family! Hoppy Easter!