Thursday, December 11, 2008

Seashells by the Seashore

I began today finishing up a couple of projects. The first one is for a friend of Nicolette's named Carrie. We are invited to her house on Saturday for a Ornament Exchange and Nicolette wanted to take her a hostess gift. So after a trip to Michael's here are the wine charms that I made for her to give. One set for Christmas...
The other to use whenever!

Then it was off to the beach after a 30 minute Curves workout. It was beautiful and the sun felt great. I think I got a little bit even though it wasn't that warm.

As you can see I had the whole beach to myself. No one, I mean no one around. There was one guy surfing and one lady walking and that was it. I really had it made.

And here are my treasures from the sea. I could not believe I found the sand dollars! They were just laying there waiting for me to pick them up. Of course they are still brown which means they are still alive but after today I think they will be dead. Can't wait to go again! SEA YA!

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